Four Seasons in One Day

A lovely NorCal, midweek, 127-mile drive today, trailing a friend on a motorcycle. First was the familiar path up to Tomales: over the mountain (slow, wet) to Stinson Beach, then straight up Hwy 1 to Point Reyes Station for lunch, then onward to Tomales. The weather included mostly rain and fog, unfortunately, so there wasn't much opportunity to push things (one early skid reminded me how little traction there is in the rain).

From Tomales, it was all new roads to me. First Tomales Petaluma Road, then Chileno Valley Road, then Pt. Reyes Petaluma Road, winding upward to Nicasio Reservoir, a lovely spot I'd never been to before. Then downhill on Sir Francis Drake Blvd. to (sunny!) Fairfax before climbing back up into the hills for the most insane bunch of switchbacks on Fairfax Bolinas Road. Back on top of the ridge above Stinson Beach on W. Ridgecrest Blvd., we were enrobed in thick fog until closing the loop back onto Hwy 1 via Panoramic Highway.

Fog, rain, sun, clouds. Very NorCal.


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